Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Visiting D.C.

This is a post I began a while ago...I have so much other subject material to update: the 4th graders, grad school, political commentary, etc.

So, here's about my DC trip back in January (since then other things have happened, too).

Please refer to the post below, where I mention that I never won a match in Call of Duty 4. I won at least three matches when Jonathan and I came to Washington, D.C. for MLK weekend. Practice makes perfect :). I had a great time, yet again, playing video games, gorging myself at an all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse, learning about parking garages, the European exploration of the early Americas, and visiting a Franciscan monastery.

I have to say, it's pretty cool that my younger brother has a place of his own (along with two roommates), a job, etc. It's also hard to believe and makes me feel old.

My memory about the rest of the weekend is pretty fuzzy...except for watching the Hangover, which is hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. this didnt waste enough time in my sociology class
